This Vision Building Questionairre and it's associated PopUp helps is designed to help you move practically into your God-given Vision/Calling. There are a series of questions helping you see where you ACTUALLY ARE in terms of Gifting and Vision/Calling with practical ways of identifying and overcoming hindrances in order to mature and move in these areas.

As you look at each of the following sections PRINT OUT THE SHEET and answer the questions on paper, referring to the PopUp helps using your computer display. Answer with honesty and integrity (remember: it is YOU who will benefit from this). The end-product of filling in these sheets will hopefully be that you will identify a definite next step you should be taking to move in your Vision/Calling.

If, however, you get stuck in one area (eg. You are lacking in Spiritual Gifting, don't understand the importance of natural talents, have had no or little revelation for your Vision/Calling etc..) then you should look at the relevant PopUp help which provide practical help in answering this questionairre. Possible hindrances are mentioned so you can identify them and deal with them.

Obviously the process will take different amounts of time depending on your maturity and the way the Lord is dealing with you.

Do not be afraid to seek ministry from mature Christians whom you respect where you need more advanced help.

This lesson may constantly be referred to at different times in your Christian experience and will undoubtedly reveal more things about your Giftings and Vision/Calling and will probably lead to a reassessment of what you are doing.

Throughout the completing of this questionairre remain in an attitude of reflective/asking prayer.

 NB: The main purpose of this excercise is NOT to 'force the vision' (not to come up with something that is not God's Will or in His timing), but to help you see more clearly what the Lord is already saying and indeed has been saying to you with increasing intensity since your conception (  Jeremiah 1:4-9).

As you answer the following sections do it with honesty and DO NOT RUSH IT!

(2) The Questionairre.

Choose your section....

     ·Identifying Your Spiritual and Natural Giftings.

    ·Identifying God's Specific Calling On Your Life.

    ·Conclusions and Planning Stage.

(3) Conclusion.

Group or Individual Activity: Take the life of Peter as an example and go through the Giftings and Calling questionairre as if you are him! Use this

 Short Summary of the Life of Peter.

 Some Final Words.


This lesson adds colour to your life
Copyright 1999 Gibson Family Productions
E-mail Tim with any queries.