Identifying your Spiritual and Natural Giftings. 

Name: _______________________  Date: ___/___/____ 


(1) Introduction.
This section of the questionairre is to determine your main Spiritual Gifts and Talents that will be used as tools or your calling. Indeed, as you identify ,these your calling should become more defined and easier to recognise.

(2) Your Main Giftings and Talents.


You will already have a good idea of the Spiritual Gifts you have, having been through the lesson on Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts.

Look again at the various  Gifts Of The Spirit from Scripture and also look at the  Chart on the Gifts Of The Spirit.  If you still are unsure of your Spiritual Gifts then click for the  PopUp Checkup of Hindrances to Giftings.

My Main Spiritual Gifts (Motivational and/or Ministerial) are (most prominant first):




4. ____________________________

 These will be the TOOLS for your calling. Look at them and write down how they may be used - what spheres of ministry they would be most effective in.....






 List out your main natural talents and besides each how you think you could use them for God or how you are already using them (If you have difficulty here look at the  PopUp Checkup on hindrances to moving in God-given natural abilities.)

My main natural talents with possible uses for God's glory are...

 1. ______________________________________________________________________

     This may be used _______________________________________________________

 2. ______________________________________________________________________

     This may be used _______________________________________________________

 3. ______________________________________________________________________

     This may be used _______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________

     This may be used _______________________________________________________

When you were young what were your favourite hobbies ? List them out and state how each could be used for God's glory...

 1. ______________________________________________________________________

     This may be used _______________________________________________________

 2. ______________________________________________________________________

     This may be used _______________________________________________________

 3. ______________________________________________________________________

     This may be used _______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________

     This may be used _______________________________________________________

(3) Dreams And Desires For Gifting And Talents:

The Lord will often give us dreams (inner desires) about the use of our abilities. However, we must subject these to the testing and refining of the Lord.
Look at the story of the  Feeding of the 5000. Imagine that the five loaves and two fish represent our natural gifting. We are one of the disciples who has these things in his hands.

The plan Jesus has is to feed the multitudes. However, we must do certain things before this can be fulfilled..

 (1) Come to Jesus with the little that we have.

 (2) Offer it all up to Him.

 (3) Let Him bless it, break it and give it back to you. There must be a process of the breaking  of your abilities before you can receive them back to truly be multiplied among the hungry multitudes.

 (4) Lastly, we must GO and distribute it to the multitudes.

Write down dreams/desires you have in terms of...

Spiritual Gifts (eg. I dream of being an anointed teacher for God.)

I dream of being  __________________________________________________________


Natural Talents (eg. I dream of writing a Christian book.)

I dream of  _______________________________________________________________


Analyse the above desires. Do they come out of a heart delighting in the Lord and His ways ? (read  Psalm 37:4).

(4) Conclusion.

By the end of this section you should have an idea of the TOOLS God has equipped you with for His calling on your life. Write down any common theme you can see in the above answers:



Now you must look at what the Lord has so far revealed of that calling.....

 Continue The Questionairre.


This lesson adds colour to your life
Copyright 1999 Gibson Family Productions
E-mail Tim with any queries.