(a) Calling us out of our Comfort Zones (2:8-9):


“The  voice (call) of my Beloved..” (NKJV, v8a) -

There is a time, during our fervent time of loving Him, that we will hear His call! If we don’t respond we will feel distanced from Him. All of us are called but not all are chosen by Him due to our lack of responding to His love.

Verse  8b-9a: Here the Beloved is seen as a graceful, strong,agile and beautiful  Gazelle or Young  Stag, leaping and skipping on the  mountains.

Before, He has only been seen as static, now He’s seen as DYNAMIC! He’s excited (leaping and skipping) and wants to draw His Bride-To-Be into the  MOUNTAINS and  HILLS (the obstacles we have to face to accomplish His will). This is how Jesus comes to us to draw us out of our comfort zones.
Verse  9b: “Behold,he stands behind our  WALL; he is  looking through the  WINDOWS gazing (Heb. ‘blooming’) through the  LATTICE.” (Look up these Hebrew words.) 
Wall, Window and Lattice = Barriers to Intimacy.
The  wall represents barriers to moving into God's will due to our background and upbringing. They may be fears that have been passed down through the generations. The  windows represent the glimpses of His glory God gives us as He draws us out into His purposes. The  lattice represents the sin that so easily entangles us (See  Heb 12:1-2) - it will be unique for every person but a very real hindrance for them to launch forth with Jesus into the harvest field. For the Shulamite, that sin that so easily entangles her is the feeling of inferiority and unworthiness that comes because of the way her siblings and mother have treated her. The Beloved knows this and draws her lovingly away in wisdom of action. Think about waht he does to help her overcome this sin.

As the  flowers in the  fields are blooming, beckoning lovers out of their comfortable resting places, so He is seen to be ‘ blooming’ - calling her forth from her childhood home. Through the window and lattice her vision is impaired and blurred. Even her beloved cannot be fully seen as his presence is now more intimate only outside her comfort zone!

Jesus calls us away from negative patterns we cling onto which can be traced back to our childhood. He calls us out of our COMFORT ZONES by helping us overcome the sin that so easily entangles. Is there a Comfort Zone He’s calling you out of right now ? What is the sin that so easily entangles you and keeps you from launching forth into His purposes ? Write it down. Then pray about it!


Overview of Stage Two.


Copyright 1999 Gibson Productions
E-Mail Tim Gibson (Web master and author)