(1) Introduction:

By their very names, vision denotes seeing and calling denotes hearing.

As we have already seen, we all have a specific calling within His overall vision for mankind. The Apostle Paul was called to be an Apostle (see  Romans 1:1, Galatians 1:15-16) but had a more general vision (See  Acts 26:15-18), based on the original vision given to Adam and Eve (  Genesis 1:27-28).

This will be the same pattern for each one of us.

 We will now look at Biblical definitions of Vision and Calling and see how we arrive at the conclusion that...
VISION = Seeing Jesus Doing. 
CALLING=Hearing Jesus Saying. 
Click below to see the Biblical definitions of Vision and Calling.....

(2) Biblical Definition Of Vision -(Click on title to see definition.)

Group or Individual Activity: Read the definition of Vision and then read  Proverbs 29:18. Think about/discuss what this verse shows us about the importance of vision.

Pray the prayer of  Ephesians 1:17-18 over each other!

Look at  John 4:35 and comment on the phrase:

'If we spend time in the presence of Jesus and really see Him there will be a time when He will ask us to lift our heads for a vision of the harvest field (the Lost).'

Look at The EAR and EYE Diagram below and comment on the list of words under VISION in the light of the above statement.


(3) Biblical Definition Of Calling -(Click on title to see definition.)

Group or Individual Activity: Calling is all about hearing Jesus. Hearing what ? (See  Romans 10:17 - NB.The use of 'word' here is 'Rhema' which means the revealed personal word of God to us : see this  quote).

Look again at  EAR and EYE Diagram and comment  on the list of words under CALLING in the light of the above statement.

(4) The Example Of Paul.

Reading  Acts 26:15-18 again shows us that Paul:

 (a) SAW and HEARD Jesus (v15) (He received vision and calling).

 (b) He received a WORLD VISION (vv17-28)

 (c) He was to see things IN and THROUGH Jesus (that which He reveals).

 (d) He obeyed his calling ( Acts 26:19)

 (e) His vision and calling led to get up and go (in the Lord's timing)( Acts 22:10,21).

When we see Jesus, we see His purposes and our part in the purpose.

(Read The Vocation of the Natural Life by Oswald Chambers').

When we really have a vision of Jesus and our purpose in Him, our lives will be gripped by, mastered by, submitted to this vision.

 When Paul saw Jesus, he became blind to everything else (see  Acts 9:8-9 , Matthew 17:8 and  John 9:39). Let us acknowledge our 'blindness'  and cry out for 'sight' (See this  Quote).

(5) One Vision Many Callings.

In the life of Nehemiah we saw he had a VISION of Jerusalem broken down but to be rebuilt. His CALLING was to LEAD the work. Others caught the SAME VISION but with DIFFERENT CALLINGS (different areas of buiding the wall, different skills etc..).

This principle is the same for Churches, Cell groups, Missions groups etc..

 Indeed, within one vision there may be another 'embrionic' vision waiting to be birthed for others to join (this requires one who will run with the vision).

  Click here for a group activity.

 You are now ready to go onto the next sections. Click on the one you want...

                ·Conditions For Seeing/Hearing God's Will.

             ·Faulty Hearing and Seeing.

             ·Ways We Can See and Hear God's Will.

             ·Testing What We See And Hear.

(6) Maturing in Guidance.

Before continuing, it is worth remembering that the guidance we get will change as we mature in Christ.

Group or Individual Activity: Read this article on The Secret Of The Lord and think about/discuss the lessons learnt here. Is there anything that surprises you ? What ?

As we mature in our relationship with Him, just as a child grows into a teen , a young adult and then to a fully grown adult, God's level of dramatic and obvious guidance will decrease (except for crucial moments such as Paul's Macedonian vision).

He will expect us to use sanctified common sense more as we mature in Him. More and more responsibility to determine our own course (which indeed will be His as we are more IN HIM) will be given to us, just as a Father trust his son with more as the son proves himself.

The more we learn to respond to the Spirit's promptings, the more we will recognise His guidance. He prompts each one of us in unique ways which only we can find out by trial and error!!!

(7) Conclusion -

God calls us and will actively show us His way by both spiritual sight and spiritual sound!
If we do not hear His guidance or see His way then it is not that He is unable to communicate them, but we are not in the right place. You may need to go over and over this lesson asking the Lord to bring you to the place He wants you to be at this time, allowing Him to unblock your spiritual ears and sharpen your spiritual eyes.

You are now ready to go onto the next lesson -

LESSON 3: The Outworking of His Will In Us.


This lesson adds colour to your life
Copyright 1999 Gibson Family Productions
E-mail Tim with any queries.