(1) Introduction.

In this lesson we will look at passages of Scripture that reveal how we may have blocked spiritual ears or impaired spiritual sight. These faults in hearing and seeing must be dealt with if we are to successfully follow God's plan for our life.

(2) Faulty Hearing (CALLING):

Group or Individual Activity: Read through the following verses and write down what causes faulty spiritual hearing according to the passage. Discuss how this could happen in your life and what things you can do to prevent this.

· Micah 7:16 - What seems to be the cause of deafness here ? Why would this cause one to be dull of hearing God's voice ? Could this happen to Christians today ? Discuss.

· Hebrews 5:11-14 - What has caused them to be dull of hearing ? What does the author say that they have not been doing and need to do ? Can this happen to you ? What must you do ?

· Isaiah 66:12 -What was their response when God called ? Why did they not hear ? If they continue like this what will happen ? IS this applicable today ? Discuss.

· 2 Timothy 4:3-4 - What kind or ears do they have here ? What does this mean ? They turn their ears from the truth because they seek what ? How can this happen today ? Discuss.

· Acts 7:51 -What does it mean to be uncircumcised in ear ? (think about what circumcision means). What is the result of an uncircumcised ear ? What is the remedy ? Give examples in this day of such a condition.

· Romans 10:14 - What is the cause for these people not hearing the Lord's call ? What can we do to prevent such a situation ? Discuss.

(3) Faulty Seeing (VISION):

Group or Individual Activity: Read through the following verses and write down what causes faulty spiritual seeing (VISION) according to the passage. Discuss how this could happen in your life and what things you can do to prevent this.

· 1 John 2:11 - What causes spiritual blindness here ? Is it possible for a christian to lack vision from the Lord for the same reason ? Explain. What is the remedy ?

· 1 John 2:16- What kind of eyes are mentioned here ? These eyes will not see vision form God. Just as Job made a covenant with his eyes so must we - Discuss what such a covenant may consist of.

· Matthew 7:3 - What is the 'plank' referring to that causes spiritually impaired vision ? What must be done to clear the eye out ? How can this happen to you ?

Finally take time to meditate on John 9:35-41 and 2 Corinthians 4:4 (Look in your Bible for a change - it's better than staring at the computer screen!)

(4) Conclusion.

You have seen that faulty hearing and seeing in our spiritual senses is quite common among God's people. His Word gives us keys to remedy these ailments and blockages. Let us apply the truths we have learnt and hear Him more clearly and see His way more vividly.

You are now ready to go to one of the other topics...

      ·Conditions For Seeing And Hearing.

     ·Ways We Can See and Hear God's Will.

     ·Testing What We See And Hear.

If you have finished all these topics you are ready for the Next Lesson.


This lesson adds colour to your life
Copyright 1999 Gibson Family Productions
E-mail Tim with any queries.