INTRODUCTION: About ‘The Wall’ analysis.
‘The Wall’ analysis is a questionairre that I have developed based on Songs 8:10 where the Bride says, ‘I am a wall !’. As we saw, as we progress in the stages of love seen in the Song of Solomon, then we are built up into a strong wall. | ![]() |
We must have strong foundations in one stage before the next stage can be built (or else the wall will collapse!)
The following 40 questions are a mixture of questions - each one particularly relevant to a certain stage of love. As you go through the questions answer with honesty. It is best not to dwell too long on each question (usually your first feeling of what the answer is will be the best!).
After you have answered all the questions you will be shown how to add up the totals for each stage. You should end up with a total for each stage of love (five in all) which will show you how big your ‘building block’ is for that stage. Then you should be able to draw a picture of your ‘ WALL’ - seeing immediately your strengths and weaknesses. This process will be described in more detail when we get there!
For the following statements, choose the response that is most correct for you out of the four choices to the right.... | 0
= hardly at all
1 = little 2 = sometimes 3 = much |
Put the number that represents your response besides each statement (using this software it is best to write your answers on a seperate sheet of paper - write out numbers 1 to 40 with the response number besides each).
Here we go....
(1) I long
for greater intimacy with Jesus (for Him to draw closer) and I actively
pursue that.
(2) I have sensed a definite call on my life where the Lord has been leading me in a particular direction. (3) The Lord has given me a strong vision of His victory and that I am an Overcomer because of His resurrection. (4) I have endured rejection and hurt from others (especially close Christian friends) with patience and still have remained much in love with Jesus, sharing about Him with others. (5) I trust Jesus 100% (in every area of my life - finances etc.) (6) I have had wonderful devotional times where He seems so close to me. (7) The Lord has challenged me to come out of specific comfort zones in my life. (8) I have made ‘quality decisions’ to follow the Lord no matter what the cost. (9) A strong burden of my heart is to share Jesus with others, even in painful, traumatic times - and I have been actively doing this. (10) There has been a ‘great awakening’ in my life - a significant renewal (not conversion). (11) In my worship times I literally feel His close, intimate presence, and ,even if I don't, I worship with great fervency. (12) My spirit is stirred up due to seeing the signs and realizing we are truly in the End Times. (13) The Vision of God’s End-Time Army is very real to me. (14) I know what I should be doing and where I should be going to sense His Presence in a powerful way and I am actively doing this. (15) I belong completely to Jesus and do whatever He says. (16) My desire is to read His Word to be strengthened by Him through it - and I am actively doing this. (17) The cry of my heart is to be seperated to Jesus to do His Will - I am actively pursuing this is my life. (18) God speaks very real words of affirmation and encouragement to my spirit which I clearly hear. (19) I meet with God’s people to pray an interceed for the lost and enjoy it. (20) All curses are broken in my life and all dryness and barreness is gone ( and i'm living in the reality of this). (21) I know God loves me and speaks words of affection over me. (22) The Lord has prompted me to give up certain practices/lifestyles / activities which are not helpful to my love relationship with Him. (23) I am involved in very real Spiritual Warfare. (24) I know I am an important part of God’s End-Time Army, and am actively taking my place. (25) I am involved in discipling/nurturing others in the faith. (26) I have great Joy when in my Christian life. (27) I realize that literal Israel is important in God’s purposes and the Lord has challenged me to pray for the modernday country of Israel - I am actively doing this. (28) My life is locked up and sealed for only my Beloved, Jesus. I continually say 'no' to immorality, pride, greed and so forth. (29) I walk in His victory in my life. (30) I know my own God-given ministry and am actively involved in it now. (31) There are times when I literally feel the Lord’s embrace. (32) The Lord has given me vision, not just for a few countries, but for a lost world. (33) I cry out for the Holy Spirit to move in my life - even if it means taking me through painful, bitter experiences. (34) My burden (not negative criticism) is to see renewal and revival in the world and a release of Love and Joy in the Church (I actively pray for this). (35) A strong cry of my heart is for Jesus to come back bacause I know i'm at the center of His Will. (36) I long to go to meetings, Bible studies, and people where I know my relationship with Jesus will grow stronger and i'll be strengthened spiritually. (37) The Lord seems to be giving me a particular ‘burden’ or message so that I can share it with others to build them up and challenge them. (38) I have broken through indifference and the feeling of being unprepared and stepped out to do what I believe He has called me to do, and I felt much anointing. (39) I am involved in Evangelism/Mission and am ready to go where ever He wants me to. (40) I give equal to or more than 80% of what I receive financially/ materially into the work of the Lord. |