(b) Bringing Others into Intimacy With Him (6:1):


“What is the response of others when they see you and me standing utterly resolute in our commitment and unwavering in our affection for Jesus even in the midst of suffering, rejection and persecution ?....’Where has your beloved gone, O most beautiful among women ? Where has your beloved gone that we may seek him with you?’( Songs 6:1). Scoffers and accusers stop sneering,’Where is your beloved now ?’ and start crying,’We want Him too!’. 

As the holy Spirit reveals more and more of the personality of Jesus to our hearts, our commitment will deepen, and an ever-increasing number of passionate believers will result......God is raising up a company of believers whose impassioned devotion to Him will inspire the rest of the body of Christ and prepare it for a great incoming harvest of souls.” Mike Bickle,’Passion for Jesus’,p33-31. 


Overview Of Stage Four


Copyright 1999 Gibson Productions
E-Mail Tim Gibson (Wemaster and author)