(h) Enduring the Rejection of Other Believers (5:7-8):


While she is enduring the first test (withdrawal of His presence) suddenly it is time for the second, and it is equally severe.
Test One: The withdrawal of His presence.

Test Two: Misunderstanding and rejection of other believers.

 When we partake of Christ’s sufferings and abandon all to Him, we will endure the misunderstanding and rejection of other believers. This time the Watchmen of the city find the maiden, strike and wound her, and take her covering ( veil).

Have fellow Christians - people to whom you have committed yourself - ever misunderstood you and risen up against you ? For no justifiable reason, have they ever turned against you, wounded you and stripped you of your honour, place and function (covering) among other Christians ? During times like these we need to see the Bride’s response. She doesn’t rise up and fight back or try to justify herself.

Look at what happens to her...the  watchmen (Christian leaders) who watch over the  city (Church) found her. They see she is desperate for her beloved but misunderstand her motives and they mistreat her. Maybe she is out after 'curfew' time - her desperation is causing her to break with 'tradition' and do what one is not supposed to do. Sometimes Church leaders wound us by disciplining us for being desperate for Jesus in a radical way. They may misunderstand our zeal and pour cold water on our exuberant display of desire for Him.

 The  keepers of the  walls took away her  veil - look up these words and piece together the interpretation - what may we suffer from Church leadership if we desperately follow after Him ? What should be our response ?

Pause to pray. If you have experienced such treatment release forgiveness to these leaders now and ask the Lord to show you His purposes in it.

She charges the Daughters of Jerusalem, ‘If you find my Beloved,that you tell him I am lovesick’ ( v8,NKJV).

She was indifferent to Him earlier, but we see now she is anxious for Him alone. This should be the cry of our hearts for Jesus,especially in such painful times of seperation and rejection by others. She does not lash out at the Watchmen, but becomes more determined in her resolve to be with her Beloved - what do we learn from this ?

Go back to the overview of this stage and read the conclusion.


Copyright 1999 Gibson Productions
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