(c) “You’ve heard my voice - let me hear yours!” (2:14):


Doves hide in  rock  crevices, reluctant to leave. The Beloved likens His Lover to such a Dove, hesitant to join Him in the mountains. So again (Cf.  2:10,13) He urges her to leave her home and join Him so He could enjoy her sweet-sounding voice and lovely  face.

It is interesting that she is hiding like a  dove in the  cleft of the  rock (Look at the definitions of these words). This speaks of us being hidden in Christ - but even in this position we can make fearful excuses about why we should not venture from that position into the hurting world! Many times Christian groups become 'holy huddles' or we can become a 'holy hermit'. But Jesus calls us from that place of being hid in Him to venture out with Him into His harvest fields.

She is also seen as hiding in the 'secret place' (lit. covering, disguise) of the  cliff (steps). This give us the image of a dove hiding away on the inaccessible ledge of a cliff-face, blending in with the cliff and appearing disguised and hidden. It speaks of a stage in our spiritual life where we are staying in one place (ledge) and not willing (due to fear, insecurity etc..) to step out and step up.

Jesus speaks prophetically to us, calling us away with Him. He also wants to hear us echoing His prophetic words back to Him and the World - our  countenance ‘blooming’ or shining with His glory. We must speak out His calling on our life to Him and to others and then we will shine for Him!

Jesus longs to hear your  voice and see your  face . He longs for you to step out with Him into His purposes and shine forth His light into the nations. Are you willing to step out of your comfort zones, even as a Christian hid in Christ, and follow Him into His purposes ?


Overview Of Stage Two.


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E-Mail Tim Gibson (Web master and author)