(b) Level 2 Overview - Love between God and His people.

As we read through Song of Solomon, we are actually reading prophetically, on one level, of the relationship between Jesus and the Church which is of great relevance to us if we are a Christian. We may see it as Jesus’ relationship with the Church universal or, of more relevance to us, of our own relationship with Jesus.

As we journey through this wonderful song of love we will see how Jesus lovingly draws us away from our own insecurities and problems and into a progressive maturity in relationship with Him. Indeed He reveals more of Himself as we give more of ourselves to Him. Also, we progressively see who we have been created to be, in His image, and to what great calling and purpose He has for us since before we were born! ( Eph 2:10 2 Cor 3:18).

The following charts show us various progressions in the song.....

 Chart A: Progressive Revelations of the King (Jesus):
As we progress through this song you will see Jesus revealing Himself prophetically in different and deepening ways. We initially view Him as our blesser but need to progress in our revelation of who He is! Unfortunately, many Christians stay at this understanding of Jesus and feel He exists to bless them and simply meet their needs. 

There is an urgent need in today's church (especially in non-persecuted and comfortable congregations) to see Him as the one who is the 'draw-er' , drawing us out into the places where we may well have to endure suffering but that will propel us into a relationship with the warrior-king! Then we will be co-labourers with Him in the harvest fields of the world and finally leaning fully on Him in our every day living.

Chart B:Progression Of How We See Ourself And How Jesus Sees Us:
The chart to the left  reveals the heart of Jesus to draw us out beyond our present perception of ourselves and into the image He has for us! You will notice that the Bride initially has a low opinion of herself but gradually grows to have a 'grace image' (which we will look at more later in this material). Finally we see that she comes to the point of agreeing with Jesus' assessment of her. 

In stage 4 (Powerful Love) both the Bride and Jesus see her as a Warrior - this is not a proud assertion on her part but a humble recognition as she emerges from the ashes of a painful refining in her Character. She also moves from seeing herself as possessing Jesus (He must do what she wants on her terms) to being fully possessed by Him (she is totally dependant on Him).

The following chart shows, in picture form, the progress of the book of Song of Solomon.
Chart C: The Journey's Progress In Song Of Songs.

The chart to the left is a pictoral representation of the Spiritual Journey the Bride is taken on throughout this song. She moves from the place of comfort and security (on the left), through the dangerous but exciting mountains of testing and finally into the harvest field where she has work to do with her Beloved. 

You will see the terrain change as you progress through this song and it will be useful to constantly refer to this picture to plot roughly where the Bride is!

We must ask ourselves, where are we in the above charts ? The Lord is calling us more and more to a deeper level of relationship with Him. Are we responding to His love ?

Are we reaching out beyond our limits into His heart, His purposes and His desires ?

These three charts (A,B and C) should be constantly referred to throughout this course and they will become clearer as you progress through the teaching. At the top of each page with a no-scroll bar these three charts will be available under the title - View Of Jesus (Chart A), View Of Us (Chart B) and Journey Progress (Chart C).

Now go back and overview this section before rogressing onto the main body of teaching.


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