The Rabbi, the Priest and the Minister - Church Funds

Topics: Jokes, Giving

A Priest, a Minister and a Rabbi were discussing church funds. How should one decide how to divide the collection money between the needs of the church, and God's other causes? 

"Well," said the Priest, "I always trust in God's judgement. I draw a circle on the ground, and throw the money into the air. What lands in the circle goes to the church. What lands outside goes to God." 

The Minister told his technique: "Yes, I use a similar method. I draw the circle, throw the money into the air, and see where it lands. What lands outside the circle goes to our church, what lands inside
goes to God." 

To which the Rabbi replied: "We do almost the same thing! I throw the money into the air, and what God wants, he keeps!"

(Thanks to Mike)