Topic: Devil

Know how our enemy works.

If the Devil were to write his Beatitudes, they would probably go
something like this:

Blessed are those who are too tired, too busy, too distracted to spend
an hour once a week with their fellow Christians in Church-
they are my best workers.

Blessed are those Christians who wait to be asked and expect to be
thanked-- I can use them.

Blessed are the touchy, with a bit of luck they may stop going to
church-- they are my missionaries.

Blessed are those who are very religious but get on everyone's nerves--
they are mine forever.

Blessed are the troublemakers-- they shall be called my children.

Blessed are those who have no time to pray-- they are easy prey for me.

Blessed are the gossipers, for they are my secret agents.

Blessed are those critical of church leadership, for they shall inherit
a place with me in my fate.

Blessed are the complainers-- I'm all ears for them.

Blessed are you when you read this and think it is about other people
and not yourself-- I've got you.


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