The Importance of Signs

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"For thou shalt be His witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard." - Acts 22:15

A few nights ago, my wife and I were driving down a busy road in a neighboring town when we saw a rather strange sight. Just at the edge of the embankment was a road sign that was, strangely enough, blank. It was shaped in the image of a stop sign, octagonal in design, but was completely blank. No message was displayed, it was simply void of any usefulness.

I wonder how often as Christians, our signs, so to speak, are blank. Are we

sharing the message of Christ...or void of our usefulness to His Kingdom? You see, we were shaped in His image, designed to display His message. That message is simply "Jesus Saves." Do our lives share that truth with those passing by?

Are our signs bold...or blank?

A sign that is blank is somewhat a disappointment, but greater still is the

sign that shares the wrong message. My wife and I also saw a speed limit sign that originally read, "Speed Limit 55." However, someone had painted over the last "5," and now the sign reads, "Speed Limit 5." That sign, while knowing and, in fact, still having the right message, displays the wrong message.

How sad it is when Christians have the right message, but display the wrong

message. Know what I mean? Instead of sharing the gospel, they share the gossip.

Instead of helping others, they help themselves. Instead of living the life,

they live a lie. Oh, they know the message, but somehow compromise has crept in and the things of God have been replaced by the things of the world.

But, PRAISE GOD, there are some good signs, Amen?! During the same trip, my wife and I observed at least four different kinds of signs that were very beneficial and lived up to their purpose for existence.

. First, there were the billboards...the signs that advertise. The purpose

for these signs is to generate interest in the advertised product, service or

business. Christian, you and I are to be a billboard for Christ Jesus! We are to advertise on His behalf. Our job is to promote His Kingdom. Our lives should be something that stands out, something that will catch the attention of those passing by and will incline them to take a closer look at the Savior. Let's get involved in a marketing campaign today!

. Secondly, there were the caution signs...the signs that warn. The purpose

for these signs is to make people aware of the potential danger lurking somewhere near. Some examples might be: "Bridge Out Ahead," "Bridge May Ice in Cold Weather," "Dead End," "Watch For Falling Rock," "Stop," and "Yield." Again, we need to be that kind of sign for Jesus Christ. One of our responsibilities is to warn the lost, and the saved, when they are headed down the wrong road! Friends, we are to shout out "You're headed for a dead end!" when we see someone on the road to destruction. "STOP" "Detour" "Take An Alternate Route." These are the kinds of signs we should display with our lives. "Yield. Yield yourself to the will of God. Yield yourself to confess that sin. Yield yourself to the call to serve. Yield yourself to get things right within that relationship."

Sound the warning today!

. Thirdly, there were the directional signs...the signs the point. The entire

purpose of a directional sign is to get you headed in the right direction. That's another sign we are to display. It's great to get people off of a dead end road, but we must also get them on the right road! Our lives should point others towards Jesus Christ. We are to be "One Way" signs! Jesus said that He is the "WAY"...the only way, and our lives need to tell that story, just like a sign that points people in the right direction. Encourage people today to get on that Road to Heaven!

. Fourthly, there were the information signs...the signs that inform. The

purpose for information signs is to let people know things that are needful.

When I am traveling, particularly when I haven't seen one of these signs in

a long time, my favorite information sign is the sign that reads, "Fuel. Lodging. Food. Exit here." I love seeing those signs! They offer me hope when I'm about out of fuel, they offer me rest when I am tired and weary and they offer me food when I am hungry. Christian, if ever there was a sign that we should be...this is it! We are to tell people about the "Fuel, Lodging and Food" found in Jesus Christ. When you are running on empty...Jesus is the source for renewed life! When you are weak and weary...Jesus says I will give you rest! When you are hungry...Jesus says partake of Me and you'll never hunger again! Oh, that our lives would share that information today. "Exit here" they should read.

Signs are all around us. Some fulfil their purpose, others do not. What about you and I? Do our lives help or hinder? Are we going to make a difference today in the things we say and do? As you walk through your life today, consider this question...

What kind of sign are you?

Have a "Wonderful DAY in Christ,"

Jimmy D. Brown
