Why Bad Things Happen To Good People

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Topics: Trials, Why

"Great is our Lord, and of great power: His understanding is infinite." - Psalms 147:5

Why do bad things happen to good people? That's an age old question that probably got started shortly after Adam and Eve got booted from the Garden of Eden.

Now, I realize that "good" is a relative term. The Bible teaches that "there

is none righteous, no, not one" and "there is none that doeth good, no, not one." (Romans 3:10 and 3:12, respectively) None of us are really "good," - we are all sinners who are saved by the grace of God. Having said that, the real question is "why do bad things happen to people who are trying to be good?" That's always bothered me. If you are honestly trying to commit your life to the Lord and are doing everything that you possibly know to do...then why do bad things happen?

Why do bad things happen when you are serving the Lord whole-heartedly and are as close to the center of His will as you know how to be? Why do bad things happen?

Some would say that the mere presence of sin in the world is the cause. To

an extent, I would agree. Bad things did start happening when sin entered the picture. So, that is one reason. It rains on the just and the unjust. But

bad things don't always happen because things are, well, bad. Consider this...

Jared is an eighteen year old member of the church that I attend. About a year ago, he was out with some friends riding on an ATV (All Terrain Vehicle - 3 wheeler, 4 wheeler) He was enjoying himself immensely when suddenly he hit something and was thrown through the air! The ATV landed on top of him and severely broke his arm. The Lord was very gracious in the fact that it did not kill him on the spot. A badly broken arm and a few bruises were the extent of the damage. They placed a steel rod in his arm, stitched him up and within a few months he was as good as new.

Why did it happen? Here's a young man who is more committed than most teenagers. He was faithful to church, very involved in the youth group, sung heart-touching renditions of Ray Boltz songs, and even lead the music as the Assistant Music Director at our church. Why do bad things happen to people who are trying to be good?

Most wrote it off as just a "freak accident." Theologically, you might say

"it rains on the just and the unjust." The presence of sin in the world caused

it. Maybe satan was trying to destroy the teen. We heard all kinds of answers.

But only after about six months was the answer revealed as to "why" Jared was injured in that ATV accident. It was an overcast afternoon and the weather was threatening. A storm was moving into our tiny town in Rural Arkansas. Jared was outside as the storm headed our way and suddenly a blinding light flashed and lightning struck him! The bolt should have killed him instantly, but the steel rod that had been placed in his arm absorbed the electricity and his life was spared.

The ATV accident ultimately saved his life.

Why do bad things happen to people are trying to be good? Sometimes they happen as a blessing from God!

Christian, maybe your life seems to be in a mess this morning. Maybe "bad things" are happening to you. Don't be so quick to say, "Why me?" God may just be trying to bless your life. Look around you...where is God at work?

Whenever I try to explain why hardships and troubles come my way I try not to ask, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" I instead try to look at all of the blessings God sends my way, even though I am such a sinner, and I wonder to myself, "Why do good things happen to bad people."

The answer may very well be to both questions...simply because of God's grace.

Have a "Wonderful DAY in Christ,"

Jimmy D. Brown
