Saying 'Grace' With Faith.

Topics: Provision, Faith

There is a true story told about the ministry of George Muller. God called George Muller to start Orphanages in London, England by faith.

One day, early in the morning, breakfast was prepared for the orphans - there was no food or drink in the store and no money to buy any so George and his helpers put the empty bowls and spoons out on the table.

Time for breakfast came and all the orphans filed into the eating area and sat down infront of the empty bowls. George looked at one little girl, winked and smiled, and she said a simple prayer of 'Grace' for the food that was not there - 'Thankyou Lord that you are good and always provide food for your children Thankyou for your provision this morning. Amen'

Juest as she finished her prayer there was a knock on the orphanage door. George opened it to see the baker standing there with bags full of loaves of bread.

"Last night", said the Baker as he distributed the bread to the children, "I had a dream about this orphanage and I saw myself coming to bring you all bread. I believe God was telling me to do just this.

George and all the children thanked God with tears of joy in their eyes.

Then another knock was heard at the door. It was the milkman. He came in and told George, "My milk float has just broken down outside your Orphanage! I need to have it taken away for repair but cannot take it with all the milk inside. Would you like to have all the milk for your children ?"

As you can imagine, that day was a time of faith-strengthening for all involved. God had used His unique ways to keep His promise of providing for His children. He will do the same for you as you trust Him with all your being!

Unknown (adapted by Tim Gibson from a story remembered).
