Go Farther !

Topics: Devil, Temptation

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy." -

John 10:10a

"Go farther." That's the catchy slogan used in television advertising

for a popular sport utility vehicle. Scene one shows a man driving his

new truck onto a dirt road as he is prompted to "Go farther." Next, he

drives through thick brush and rocks, again being urged to…"Go

farther." More footage is show and during the procession the cry

continues to be "Go farther." The final scene shows the man, with his

truck, on a wooden raft floating down a river. As they approach a huge

waterfall the announcer says, "Too far!"

My friend, if ever there was a picture of satan at work, this is it.

"Go farther" he urges the teenage boy as he offers him a can of beer.

"Go farther" he prompts the high school girl as she sits in the back

seat with her boyfriend. "Go farther" he pleads with the husband as

that attractive new co-worker makes advances. "Go farther" he prompts

the couple who have missed church the past few weeks and are thinking

about missing this weekend." "Go farther," he screams to the man,

woman, boy or girl who is running late and doesn't take the time to

pray. "Go farther" he whispers to all of us, any of us, if we will only

listen. Sooner or later, he always follows with…"Too far!" "Now, I've

got you!"

Make no mistake about it, the reason companies spend big bucks on

advertising is because they want you to buy into their sales pitch.

They don't care about you, they don't want what's best for you, all they

want is an easy sale. Friend, satan is no different. He doesn't care

about you, he doesn't want what's best for you…he just wants an easy


The Bible says that he comes to STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY. He wants to STEAL your peace, joy and assurance. He wants to KILL your enthusiasm, commitment and faithfulness to the Lord.

He wants to DESTROY your intimacy with Christ, your testimony for Christ

and your service to Christ. And he does it all by urging you to "go


Be assured that today, sometime, probably when you least expect it, the

tempter will call to you. He won't come as an enemy wielding an ax with

anger and hatred on his face, oh no, he's much more deceptive than

that. He will try to convince you that he's your friend bearing gifts

as he says, "Trust me." He'll come today, just trying to see if you

will take the bait, if you will take a bite into his hook.

I don't know what the next 24 hours holds for you. But, it doesn't

matter if you are a homemaker or an account executive, a student or a

teacher, self-employed or unemployed, satan will come with his cleverly

designed ad campaign.

"Go farther," he will whisper to you in that area that you are most


Christian, don't buy into the sales pitch!

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring

lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." - I Peter 5:8

Have a "Wonderful DAY in Christ,"

Jimmy D. Brown
