One Way!

Topics: Guidance

During a vacation a few years ago, my wife and I awoke one bright

Sunday morning and prepared for church. In an unfamiliar city, we asked

for directions to a local church that we had found in the yellow pages

of the phone book. Upon receiving the requested information, we began

the ten minute drive (or so we thought) to the church.

Downtown in an unfamiliar city can leave one feeling more than a little

confused. One way streets, construction and poor directional skills can

lead you to only one place...lost. Our time began to run out, church

was to begin in only a matter of minutes, and, yet, the church was

nowhere in sight.

We began to panic. It seemed like we were not going to find the

church, and certainly were not going to arrive on time. In my own mind

I began to wonder if God even cared if we made it to church on this

particular morning. I was discouraged and felt like giving up. I even

questioned my wife, "Should we just give up and wait until tonight's

service to attend?"

Silently, a prayer went up. "Lord, help us find the church. Which

way should we go?"

Then, it happened. We came to a street that was marked "One way."

Naturally, we turned in the appropriate direction. Less than one block

away was the church we were looking for, the answer to our prayer. It

was there within our sight the entire time. The answer was there...we

just had not asked the question.

Oftentimes life can leave you feeling like we felt in that unfamiliar

city. Confused, discouraged, misplaced. Too often Christians find

themselves mimicking the actions that we went through that Sunday

morning. We got at it ourselves, relying on our talents, skills and

abilities, instead of relying on the Lord Jesus. We begin to panic when

it seems like we are about out of time. We begin to wonder about God,

does He even care? We become discouraged and feel like giving up.

Then, maybe as a last resort, we offer up a prayer..."Lord, help me.

Which way should I go?"

Funny how the answer is usually there within our sight. We just needed

a heavenly nudge in the right direction. The answer is there, we just

need to ask the question!

Have you ever felt like giving up? Do you feel confused, discouraged

or misplaced? Maybe money woes have got your back against the wall

financially. Maybe health problems have left you feeling defeated and

depressed. Maybe you are unhappy at your workplace, or within your

marriage, or in relationships with those around you. Maybe you feel

like giving up...

...Maybe it's time you asked for directions! "Lord, help me. Which

way should I go?"

Have a "Wonderful DAY in Christ,"

Jimmy D. Brown
