Cracked Pots !

Topics: Value, Evangelism

There is an indian folk tale that tells of an Indian labourer who had to carry two pots of water from the well to his work.

Every day he would pick up the pole with a pot strapped onto each end and fill each pot with water from the well, then carry them to his work place some distance down a rugged mud track.

One pot was new and looked very presentable. The other was old, cracked and dusty looking. Each day the new pot would laugh at the old one as water dripped through the cracks saying , "Ha!Ha! I'm always full when we reach our master's destination, you are almost empty."

The old pot started to listen to the new pot's taunting and felt very sad and rejected. That is until one day when they reached the master's work place and the inidan labourer looked at the new pot and said, "I've been listening to your tauntings. However, the old pot is more valuable to me".

At this the new pot gasped in astonishment, not only that his master had heard him but because he saw the old pot as more valuable. "How can that be ?", he asked.

"Well", said their master, "Every day I have to walk the same route down the dusty track. It could be boring, but just look on the side of the old pot..."

He picked up the pole carrying the two pots and started to walk back down the track. To the amazement of both pots they saw that on the new pots side the ground was hard and cracked. But on the old pots side there were many beautiful flowers of all different colours. The water that had leaked out through the cracks had given them life.

"That is why I will keep the old pot", said the indian,"My day is full of joy and brightened up by seeing the new life that has come from you!", he said smiling at the old, cracked pot!

In the same way, we may have many cracks in our life. But we are simply earthernware vessels to hold the treasure of God, the life of His Holy Spirit. As long as we keep on being topped up daily by His Spirit we can be used to water other people's dry and barren hearts. Even though we are flawed we will see God turn our weaknesses into His opportunities for healing, restoration and new growth. We will give our Master joy as He flows through us to bring new life to others.
