"He Knows"

Topics: Provision, Faith, Giving

I had been on vacation spending the Christmas holidays with my family

in Mississippi. As many of us like to do around the Christmas holidays,

I had splurged a little on gifts and helping my family out financially.

Prior to going on vacation, my children and I had just moved onto the

Air Force Base. In little more than a week after returning to my duty

station in Colorado (in the military), I had to go on temporary duty

to England. This all took its toll financially, but I had faith that

the Lord would see me through. Upon my return from temporary duty,

I resumed my weekly duty as a Sunday school teacher with another brother

in Christ. On this particular Sunday, after we had finished teaching

our class he said that he had something for me. He said that the Lord

had placed upon his heart to bless me. He proceeded to hand me $300.00!

I was totally shocked! I told him "I can't accept this!" He said to

me "Take this blessing, this is what the Lord has placed on my heart

to give you, don't hinder HIS blessing!" I finally accepted, with a

little reservation. Three days passed and I received my pay statement,

to my disbelief, my paycheck was much less than it should have been.

Because I had moved on base, my housing allowance had been taken out

of my paycheck in a lump sum! That lump sum was about $15 less than

$300.00 ($285). All I could do was to say "PRAISE GOD!" HE knew what my needs would be even before I asked him! If I had been stubborn

and hindered my blessing, I would have experienced tremendous financial

difficulty! Praise God for that brother being obedient to the Holy Spirit!

We serve a God who is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent! The

bible says "For your Father knows what you need before you ask Him."

(MATT 6:8) Miracles still happen in this day and age, every know and

them He gives us just a little touch, to let us know HE is in control

and right by our side! HIS Love to you!

"NO Jesus, NO Life . . . KNOW Jesus, KNOW Life"

Rocky Logan

(Inspirational submitted by: Rocky Logan)
