Topic: Burdens

Henry Moorhouse, an English evangelist in the 1800s was feeling loaded

down with the burdens of his ministry. Then the Lord gave him a tender

reminder of His care.

When he came home one day, his young daughter, Minnie, whose legs were

paralyzed, was sitting in her wheelchair. He was going to take a package

upstairs to his wife when his daughter asked if she could carry it.

Moorhouse said, "Minnie dear, how can you possibly carry the package?

You cannot even carry yourself."

With a smile on her face, Minnie said, "I know, Papa. But if you will

give me the package, I will hold it while you carry me." Moorhouse saw

this as a picture of his relationship to God and the burdens of ministry

he was carrying. But praise God, he could proceed with confidence,

knowing that the Lord was carrying him. God has asked us to allow

Him to carry our burdens-an us! Isaiah 46:4 says, "I will carry you!...

Even I will carry, and will deliver you." Ask our gracious Savior to

help you and He'll not only take your burdens, but carry you as well!

Henry G. Bosch

(Inspirational submitted by: Sandi Valentine)
