True Forgiveness

Topics: Forgiveness, Sermon

The roosters are crowing and Mrs. Stephen slips out of bed to wake the children for breakfast. It's an important day.

One by one they make it to the table, even little Stephen, Jr., who's

not yet in school. They are finished and ready for school and mother

gives them final instructions.

"Be home early," she says, for tonight the gospel meeting begins and

the Stephens are all going.

"Supper is ready," she yells, as the kids play in the living room. The

children sense that something is on mom's mind, but they can't figure out

the worried look on her face.

Mrs. Stephen finishes dressing the last one and they're on their way.

They take the short-cut to the meeting place because they are late, but

not too late for mom to point out, as they pass, the place where their

father had died for Jesus. This was not the first time they had seen it,

but she didn't want them to forget.

In the building, one of the deacons points to vacant seats.

"Sit down," Mrs. Stephen whispers sternly to Stephen, Jr.

The preacher begins his sermon on forgiveness. The audience seems

hypnotized as they listen intently. "I am Chief of Sinners," he says.

Anna, the eldest, whispers, "Mom, who is the preacher?" She had

already noticed the tears in mom's eyes.

"That's brother Paul of Tarsus," she said, "he helped kill your


" kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." Ephesians 4:32

By Mark Phillips

Posted From [Christian Love Notes]
