As told by Bryan Hupperts
Topic: Evangelism, Missions
While praying, an image began to form in my mind's eye. I found myself in the presence of Lord and I sat there just enjoying Him. And then the vision began to unfold. I was standing in a huge living room full of
gifts and children. There seemed to be something like 1000 gifts per
child and I knew I was in the Lord's house. Something was terribly wrong
out of order. Something seemed missing. I began to think it bizarre
that each child should have so many gifts.
While pondering the scene, I realized that there was only supposed to be
one gift per child because the neglected, dormant gifts that were piled
to the ceiling were Christ's gift of salvation and forgiveness. Each
only needed one. That's when I saw the truth: there weren't too many
gifts in that huge room, there weren't enough children! A man (who I
believe to be the Lord Jesus) came over to me and handed me a scroll. I
opened it and read these words: Authority to Grant Adoption
He spoke and said, "I want my house full. Go and adopt children for
This was a personal call from God for me as well as a general call to His
church to go and win souls.
Daddy wants children!
Jesus spoke much of His Father's house. John 14:2 "In my Father's house
are many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I go to
prepare a place for you?" His Father has plenty of room for the Redeemed
of humanity to come and dwell with him eternally. There is so much room
but so few people have heeded the call to labor and win souls.
We had an Arabic evangelist at our church Sunday named Elias Malki. I
had not met this man and I shared this vision publicly before he spoke.
It dovetailed seamlessly into his message. He preached on the need for
laborers. He was laughing about no parent ever wanting their child to
grow up and be a laborer. Laborers do the grunt work. They only need to
know how to say one thing; "Yes, boss." He made the observation that the
difference between King Saul, whom the Lord rejected, and King David, who was a man after God's own heart was that David could take orders, Saul could only give them. Elias said the church was full of Chiefs, which
are a dime a dozen, and not enough Indians. In other words, too many
people want to be giving orders and not enough want to roll up their
sleeves and actually do the work.
In my estimation, Jesus has many fans in His church, but few servants.
And even fewer friends. Being a laborer in the Lord's harvest isn't hard.
You faithfully seek Him and faithfully do what He says. Our problem is
that most of us want to be "the boss," to be the person giving orders.
If Jesus is truly Lord in our lives, He is the boss and the orders are
His to give. In other words, He is Lord.
Corinthians 5:18 "All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled
us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation." We were
brought to the Father through Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross. He then
commissioned us to also reconcile men to God by the preaching of the
Gospel and the sharing of our testimonies of His Grace and power.
Luke 12:32 "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good
pleasure to give you the kingdom." The kingdom has been given, yet there
are so few in the Father's House. Jesus came to seek and save that which
was lost and called His church to go and do the same. God is not willing
that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
God's call is clear: He want us to win souls and adopt children for Him
that His house may be full. The world is full of people who have been
orphaned by sin and they need to reconciled to God.
All I can says is, "Yes, boss. Here am I, send me."