Caught In A Trap ?

Topic: Temptation, Sin, Greed

Monkey trappers in North Africa have a clever method of catching their prey.

A number of gourds are filled with nuts and firmly fastened to a

branch of a tree. Each has a hole just large enough for the unwary

monkey to stick his forepaw into it.

When the hungry animal discovers this, he quickly grasps a handful of

nuts, but the hole is too small for him to withdraw his clenched fist.

And he doesn't have enough sense to open up his hand and let go in

order to escape, so he is easily taken captive.

This is a picture of many Christians.

The devil with his crafty devices tried to ensnare them. He appeals

to the appetites of the flesh which can lead to their spiritual downfall.

As long as they hold on to worldly bait, they cannot escape from

Satan's trap. But he keeps on urging, "Don't let go! Enjoy the pleasure

of your sin just a little bit longer!" So, listening to the tempter's

alluring voice, they continue in their evil way.

Paul explains that "No temptation has seized you except what is common

to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what

you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so

that you can stand up under it" (1 Cor. 10:13 -- NIV).

These are comforting words. We can open our hand and let go of the

"nuts!" God is on our side, he will not let us fall into Satan's trap.

We have to be willing to let go -- open our hand and let go of those

sinful things we find in the world.

James writes, "When people are tempted, they should not say, 'God is

tempting me'. Evil cannot tempt God, and God himself does not tempt

anyone. But people are tempted when their own evil desire leads them

away and traps them. This desire leads to sin, and then the sin grows

and brings death" (James 1:13-15 -- NCV).

The desires of this world lead us to sin. Once we latch on, we find

it hard to let go. It continues to grow, until it consumes our life. In

the end, this sin leads to death.

Are the sins of this world preventing you from obeying God? If so,

you have to let go! It is the only way out of the trap!

~~~~~~~~~~When will you let go?~~~~~~~~~~~~~
