The Creation of Woman

Topic: Women, Jokes, Marriage

And, as is it is written, many thousands of years ago, God created the heavens and earth, the moon and stars and plants and animals of the land and the sea. And God saw that it was good.

Then God created Man whom he named Adam.

Adam was alone at first, but he wasn’t lonely because he had a whole world to discover. Every day for Adam was an adventure, traveling to new places, seeing new plants and finding new animals to learn about. In these first days after creation, all the animals were tame, so Adam walked unafraid with lions and tigers and bears. Bees in their hives brought their sweet nectar to Adam and it was a perfect life.

However, as the days became weeks and the weeks became months, Adam gradually stopped finding new and more wonderful things to see and learn about, but he didn’t mind. He now had time to revisit old places and learn even more about the many wonders around him.

Eventually though, Adam came to realize that something was missing.
Finally one day, Adam spoke to God and told God that something was wrong. "I can’t explain it, but it seems like something is missing and no matter how much I look, I just can’t find it!" Adam explained.

God responded and told Adam that the problem was simple - Adam was lonely!
God then explained that he had been saving his most perfect creation for last, had been waiting until Adam was ready to fully appreciate what he was about to receive.

Woman was the name of God’s final creation, and as God explained to Adam, she would make his life complete. Every day with woman would be a joy and wonder and every night would be bliss.

She would be Adam’s companion, his friend and equal. She would share all that she had, just as Adam would share all that was his with her. And, God added, man and woman together would be far more than either one alone.

Adam was so excited about hearing this he couldn’t wait and asked God when this most perfect creation would be complete. Then God explained that there was one small detail he had left out. In
order to make woman as perfect and wonderful as she could be, God was going to fashion her from Adam himself. Adam would have to agree to give up both an arm and a leg.

After considering this startling news, Adam told God that he only wanted a rib’s worth. And we’ve been paying the difference ever since.



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