The Process of Separation.

(1) Introduction.

We will look at  The Process Of Separation. diagram. Have an initial peek here.

It must be noted that in each stage (Announcing, Appointing and Anointing) there will be certain tests we had to go through. In Abraham's life we see some of these tests. They are actually a call to seperate from various things.

It must also be noted that SUFFERING is part and parcel of His Call on our lives. If we are to rule with Him, we will suffer for Him (  Romans 8:17-18). It is not Biblical to say that if we walk in God's call we will not suffer, suffering is the instrument God uses to make us more like Jesus (See this  Quote).

We must identify where we are (move in God's timing) and understand what God is doing in our lives...throughout our calling God brings us to a place of effectively managing the Promise. This happened to Abraham through a series of progressive SEPARATIONS / TESTINGS.

(2) The Progressive Separations Concerning Our Call.

Group or Individual Activity: Look at the following chart and discuss what each test involved (look at the Bible references given) . Discuss which stage you feel you are in and the tests that you can expect.

You can generally tell what stage you are at by the level of separation (literally 'holiness') that is evident in your life. Moving through these stages without proper separation is catastrophic in ministries. Before moving on to the next stage there must be a real separation in all the areas mentioned for that stage. For example, being appointed into ministry (Appointing Stage) without having dealt with bondage to your family (one of the Separations that must take place in the Announcing Stage) will prove disastrous in your ministry and may lead to an abortion of the call on your life!

 Let us dig even deeper now into each area of separation needed....

(a) ANNOUNCING STAGE: Four Separations.

Before you even enter fully into your calling (and are appointed in ministry), there are four basic areas that must be dealt with...

You can always refer to  The Process Of Separation diagram.

(i) IDOLS OF THE WORLD (See  1 Thessalonians 1:9.)

These could be obvious idols or subtle idols such as addiction to TV, unwholesome music etc. As long as you remain 'worshipping' these idols you will never be fully released into His best pleasure for you.

(ii) WRONG BONDAGE TO FAMILY (See  Matthew 10:37-39.)

This does not mean dishonouring your parents or family , but it does mean not putting them and their interests above God. This scripture above must be balanced with the rest of Scripture - some cults break up families with a wrong interpretation of this verse.

We must still honour our parents, but the best way to honour them is to honour God first.

(iii) UNWHOLESOME RELATIONSHIPS (See  2 Thessalonians 3:6 and  1 Corinthians 15:33).

This could be a wrong boy or girl friend. A close friend who is leading you astray and so on. There is a very real danger of us missing God's best if we mix ourselves with the wrong company.

Generally God will give us warning signals when we enter too deep into such a relationship, but ignoring these warnings too long may harden our hearts.

(A WARNING to Married people: don't use this teaching wrongly as an excuse for divorce! The Bible clearly over rides such thinking to say God is for marriage and can make it work.)

(iv) BONDAGE TO POSSESSIONS (See  1 Timothy 6:10-11).

God will test us in the area of possessions and finance. Is it all yielded up to Him ? Any money we earn is a priviledge, not a right as He owns all.

Before entering His ministry we must be faithful in tithing/giving and not covet things or money or it will be the ruin of us and the ministry.

 See also  Matthew 6:30-34.

(b) APPOINTING STAGE : Three Separations.

 You can always refer to  The Process Of Separation diagram.

(i) UNBELIEF IN GOD'S PROMISE (See  Hebrews 3:19).

Unbelief in what God has said is not a matter of what we say but is seen in our actions from an unbelieving heart. Not believing means that we will not 'enter His rest' (i.e the full Inheritance He has for us).

Belief, trust, faith, is essential to please God and do His will. If we are in the ministry but lack this than we will surely fail.

(ii) CARNAL THINKING (See  Romans 8:6-7).

Working in the ministry in your own strength, own thinking, is terrible! It will bring you to weariness and maybe even a break down. The key is allowing His Spirit to work through you, take His yoke which is easy. We must die to all Self-Sufficiency.

(iii) FLESH-LIFE (Circumcision - cutting off of flesh) (See  Galatians 5:19-21).

To be effective in ministry there must a dying to self. A stripping away of all fleshly thoughts and deeds. In the list of  Galatians 5:19-21 you may look and say you have done none of these. However, the more you ask the Lord to reveal any sin in your life as you meditate on these verses, the more you will see you are guilty. Seek the Lord to show you so you may be cleansed by His Blood.

(3) ANOINTING STAGE: One Separation.

You can always refer to  The Process Of Separation diagram.


The biggest test as we move in anointing for us to be proven faithful is this one. We can receive all God has promised but trust in the promise rather than the promiser. Abraham did this and was gravely tested. Was he willing to give up all God had given him ? Are you ?
Many ministries fail because the ministers have become so anointed and powerful but , instead of holding lightly onto God's gift that was promised and trusting in God, they start to cling onto the promised ministry and find their fulfillment in it instead of in God. Abraham was willing to 'let go and let God' in the case of offering up Isaac because his fulfillment in life was not in the promised son but in the promiser.

(3) Conclusion.

A proposed group excercise.

God will take us through progressive testings/separations so we will have the capacity to 'hold' the ministry He is giving us. We must not fight against this process but yield to God in the midst of them, allowing Him to purify us and strip all hindrances from our lives that we truly would be called, chosen and faithful.

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This lesson adds colour to your life
Copyright 1999 Gibson Family Productions
E-mail Tim with any queries.