We will now relate the diagram The Process of Our Calling. more specifically to our own walks with the Lord. We will relate Abraham's process of calling to our own lives as we are the seed of Abraham by faith.
There are several things we should note...
(2) Things To Note.
Group or Individual Activity: Read Jeremiah 1:4-9, Psalm 149:16, Ephesians 2:10 and 2 Timothy 1:9. Comment on each verse. What is the significance that our call happens even before we are born ?
Indeed, God calls each one of us even before we are Christians (See these Scriptures on being called from the Womb) - but until we are born again we cannot 'enter in' to that calling. However, you will find certain indications of God's call on your life even before you are born again (the unique way God has made you , with the talents and interests that you have etc..)
Group or Individual Activity: See this Quote by Jim Elliot and comment on what 'childhood dreams' could actually be part of His 'call' on your life.
For me, at school I was drawn to a half-chinese (from Malaysia) who was ridiculed by others. Little did I know that my best friend was part of my call to South East Asia - this was a God-given burden at a young age that revealed something of God's call on my life.
Group or Individual Activity: Read Genesis 12:1-3 (compare with Joshua 24:2-3 and Acts 7:2-4). Think about/discuss what were the main elements of Abraham's initial realization of His calling. List them down.
You will find that the first real understanding of His calling contains the following characteristics...
(1) You will see the BIG PICTURE (Point Z) of your calling in a very general sense (Genesis 12:2-3).
(2) You will have revelation of a definite INITIAL STEP (Step A) (Genesis 12:1 - Abraham's initial step of faith was to leave his home and family and go by faith to a place God would show him).
(3) It will not conflict with the general councel of Scripture and there will be a peaceful witness in your spirit. (Will agree with God's overall vision for mankind as we have seen).
(4) Outside words and circumstances will confirm your own witness (more dramatic at first). Later you will find that the circumstances may actually be very much AGAINST the promise of God being fulfilled (in Abraham's life we see this - his wife was barren etc..) so beware using circumstances as a guide. However, initially you may find God using dramatic circumstantial guidance.
(5) Moving in
the calling will bring excitement, growth and joy (if moving in grace).
Group or Individual Activity: Read Proverbs 4:18-21 carefully and comment on the truths it brings forth. What do we learn about the clarity of our path as we walk in Righteousness ?
Our calling is from glory to glory, from faith to faith. It will become clearer as God gives specific foundational and directional words along the way.
With Abraham, we
see three areas getting clearer as he moves out on God's Word...
Group or Individual
Activity: Look at
Abraham's General ProcessOf Calling
for some time and list out all the significant things you can note from
the diagram. What do you notice about Abraham's revelation knowledge about
his sphere of ministry (the land) ? How can we apply this to us ? What
do we learn about Abraham's offspring ? How can we apply this to our own
revelation of the people we are to reach for Him ?
How about Abraham's
relationship with God ? What stages does it go through ?
Finally, look at
this chart about the significance of the place names..
Look at the order and the timing that Abraham went to these places in Abraham's General ProcessOf Calling and show how it gives a general pattern for our own callings.
We can extract the following principles from the diagram on Abraham's General ProcessOf Calling:
(1) There is a progressive clarity in his calling as he moves in obedience to God's revealed word to him. This is the same for us in the outworking of His call on our lives.
(2) Each step has a specific thing for Abraham to do - this is not fully revealed until he has completed the previous step (the 'unveiling' of God's will) - this is true for us.
(3) The promise becomes MORE SPECIFIC with each step (and the VISION GETS BIGGER).
(4) There are progressive testings (Faith troubled to faith tested to faith triumphant).
(5) Point Z should always be in mind (See 1 Peter 1:7-9 ).
(6) There is a progressive development in all three areas (Land, offspring and relationship with God).
(3) Conclusion.
From the life of Abraham we have extracted vital principles that can be applied to the process of calling of every Christian. You may nedd to go over the diagrams once more before going onto the next section.
You have now finished this section.
Go back to recap and then continue the lesson.