LESSON 4: The Place of Suffering Part 1 (1 Peter 2:13-2:25)

NKJV / KJV / NIV / ASV / Overview Chart.

(1) INTRODUCTION: The Place of Submission.

In verse 13 of Chapter 2 we see the word 'Therefore'. We must ask, what is it there for ?

Referring to what has gone before, Peter is stating that because we are called to holy attitudes, actions and adoration, because we are a special kingly and priestly people, we are called to a life of submission.

In terms of submitting to man, it is so we can be a powerful testimony, not causing them to stumble at our rebellion. But we need to determnie what exactly this term 'submit yourselves' really means.

Look at the greek definition for the word' submit'. It means to 'rank oneself under' - to know our place, our level of authority.

Yes, as Sons of God, we have a 'right' to live above earthly law, but we give up that right in order to win people to God (see 1 Corinthians 9:12).

It is correct then to say that the place of suffering is to be 'submitting ourselves' - but to what ?

Let us look the first two places we are to be in submission....

·(a) Submitting In The Society (1 Peter 2:13-2:17).

·(b) Submitting In The Work Place (1 Peter 2:18-2:25).

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