STEP ONE : Past Suffering of Christ (1:10-12).

 NKJV / KJV / NIV / ASV / Overview Chart.

You can look first at Matthew Henry's Commentary on 1 Peter 1:10-12.

Look again at The Three Steps Of Salvation Diagram.

This is the foundation step. If we suffer on any other foundation there will be no glory to God. Our suffering must always be based on the sufferings of Christ (i.e.For His sake).

1 Peter 1:10 - Looking at this verse we see that this process of salvation was Prophecied by the Prophets of old - as they searched the Scriptures God revealed the Prophecies of the Coming Messiah - Jesus, who is the 'grace that would come to you'.

1 Peter 1:11 - This verse specifically refers to the sufferings that the Messiah was to go through as Prophecied in the Old Testament. The Prophets had the same Spirit of Christ in them and would also have partaken in the sufferings of Christ for His glory.

Scriptures that reveal Christ's sufferings are ones such as Genesis 3:15 and Isaiah 53.

Note that the 'glories that would follow' is used here of our glorious inheritance if indeed we join in the sufferings of Christ (See John 12:41).

1 Peter 1:12 - This verse shows us that what the Prophets Prophecied by the Spirit has now come to pass in the death and resurrection of Jesus. We are to preach this and report it to others even if it means suffering (which it indeed will do if we desire to live a godly life - see 2 Timothy 3:12). We have boldness to preach this message by the Holy Spirit just as the early church did (See Acts 1:8).

"Things that angels desire to look into" - what does this little addition speak to you ?

See also 1 Peter 2:21,1 Peter 3:18 and 1 Peter 4:1 and see how they show that Jesus' suffering in the past is the foundation of ours in the present.

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